the logo for the fishing headquarters in jupiter florida with a marlin and a lighthouse .


the logo for the fishing headquarters in jupiter florida with a marlin and a lighthouse .

PENN Reels

At the time of this writing, Penn fishing reels are responsible for over 800 IGFA world records and the company is now producing an amazing total of over 220 different models of fishing reels. The International reel which is Penns top of the line fishing reel, is responsible for over 220 of those world record catches. Penn has been credited for improving on star drags and the development of the lever-drag system which remains the backbone of most high performance big game reels made today. The Penn fishing reels company is the realization of what was once only a dream for a young German man named Otto Henze who came to America to find his way.

Fishing Headquarters is proud to offer a large selection of Penn Fishing Reels. We don't just sell them. You can be sure to find many of the same reels attached to our own rods!


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